My Monologue on Presence..

I sit in quietude by the window; my countenance undisturbed by the winds and the driving rain.

It is good to be still and hear the gulls caw, as they take flight into the winds looking to be in a state of joy.

I feel a sense of comfort, am at peace with myself, where there is no need to toil and spin.

I’m enjoying this present moment and how all is encapsulated in that moment of the eternal ‘now’.

I heed the call of my soul to slow down at this time and not to get embroiled in the incessant ‘mind-chatter’ that often leads to worry and fear of occurrences that cannot invade this present moment should I remain the self-observor.

When I do this, the thoughts of a lower vibration are carried away, like debris on the river stream, quickly moving out of my purview.

As I reach a deeper level of rest, I gain a fine perspective on my life.

I rejoice that my path has led me to this moment. My wife of, coming on, ten years, has been a great source of encouragement and support to me through my myriad of challenges life has called me to endure.

Through these challenges, we shared the ups and the downs together. I feel now we are both being made ready to step into our light path on earth. By this, I welcome in our divine mission and what role we may humbly perform on the ascension process.

However in my ruminations I am further reminded that peace can be found in the little aspects of Life’s journey, such as the conscious breath, the sight of the tree leaves animated in the wind or the stillness of the air as you bring your mind to quietude.

It is these precious moments, being fully embraced and understood, that the Divine plan can miraculously unfold.

We are all a part of God’s plan, and we are all loved beyond our wildest dreams even know is possible. Rejoice and be glad in this!

Hold fast now to this knowing, and you will feel the holy presence in your own heart. This will then enable you to radiate out into the world the ‘more beautiful world our hearts know is possible‘!

So, all we need to do is be still and know that this ‘I AM’ presence is God, and the door to your rising consciousness opens a little more… for, as in the words of Rumi, as you walk this way, your path appears….

And so it is and ever shall be!

Namaste 🙏

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